Coworking Space
🏢 Coworking Space Analysis & Recommendation System Project Overview This project focuses on creating a recommendation system for coworking spaces based on various features such as locatio...
🏢 Coworking Space Analysis & Recommendation System Project Overview This project focuses on creating a recommendation system for coworking spaces based on various features such as locatio...
Investment This project was made to testing web scrapping with Selenium The goal with this project was to find the best companies to invest in with PER<30, EPS>0, consistent div...
FilmAffinity project FilmAffinity Web Scraping Project Overview This project was developed to explore web scraping techniques using BeautifulSoup. It focuses on extracting data from t...
My journey 2022 August(08/08) Learning the basics of SQL and Python on Mimo. Choosing which university will provide me with the best job opportunities so I can start workin...